Please complete the relevant application form.

Please follow this link to the Outline Proposal Form.

For guidance on which grant might be appropriate for you, see our funding map here. 


Smaller Grants

Are you looking for a grant of £300 - £2,500?

We welcome applications sent by email. However, we must also have a signed original sent by post. Please follow this link to the Smaller Grants Application Form. You can also find the guidance notes here


Community Awards

Are you looking for a grant of £2,501 - £50,000?

Please send your application by email. There is no need to send us a signed copy at this stage. Please follow this link to the Community Awards Application Form. You can also find the guidance notes here


Dormant Assets Fund 

Are you looking for a grant up to £75,000? 

Please send your application by email. Please follow this link to the Application Form. You can also find the guidance notes here.


Coal Funds & Endowments

We welcome applications sent by email. However, we must also have a signed original sent by post. Please follow this link to the Coal Funds & Endowments Application Form.

Please note we only accept Coal Funds & Endowments applications in August.


Thematic Fund

Are you looking for a grant of £2,501 - £25,000 to support our community to thrive?

Please apply using a Thematic Funding Application Form. To find out more information about the fund, please visit here.


If Your Grant is Confirmed

Here’s some guidance documents for once your grant is confirmed.

     •  Acknowledging funding

     •  Publicising your project