About Manx Lottery Trust:
The Manx Lottery Trust is an Isle of Man registered charity, number 1021, and is an independent charitable trust constituted under a trust deed dated 21st May 2008.
The objects of the Trust are:
- the relief of poverty
- the relief of elderly persons
- the relief of ill or disabled persons
- the advancement of education and
- any other purpose beneficial to the community.
The Trust carries out these objects by providing grants to appropriate charities and community organisations. The benefit of any grant must be for persons ordinarily resident in the Isle of Man.
The Trust is a delegated partner of The National Lottery Community Fund.
Role Title: Trustee
Who you will work with: The Chairman, other Trustees, and Chief Operating Officer
Location:The office address is: The Stamp Room, 2nd Floor, Bourne Concourse, Ramsey, IM8 1JJ
For convenience: scheduled meetings are usually held in a Committee Room, Tynwald Legislative Buildings, Finch Road, Douglas
Purpose of the role: Be part of the Board of Trustees, as required by the Trust Deed (6.4)
Becoming a Trustee of Manx Lottery Trust can be an exciting and fulfilling role. The role of a Trustee is to ensure that Manx Lottery Trust fulfils its duty to stakeholders and beneficiaries and delivers on its vision, mission, and values.
What is involved:
- Attend scheduled Trustee meetings held every six to eight weeks, usually Friday morning from 9.30 to 12.00
- In the week prior to a meeting, prepare by looking at the agenda and papers (financial information, grant applications, governance, and other operational matters) loaded to the dedicated trustee area of the website
- Partake in discussion and decision making with other Trustees (e.g., awarding of grants, grant schemes, and policy)
- Make occasional visits to charities/organisations
- Attend events and functions (could be daytime or evening)
- Support the Chairman, other Trustees, and Officers
Useful to have:
- Good local knowledge
- Genuine interest in the community
- Knowledge of third sector
- Ability to listen
- Ability to make fair and reasoned decisions
- Ability to challenge with good intent, and be open to challenge
- Ability to change mind
- Recognition of own shortcomings and desire to improve
- Time to commit and be passionate about Manx Lottery Trust
Manx Lottery Trust Trustees
How we behave:It is the responsibility of Trustees to adhere to the following principles and act accordingly.
- Selflessness
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Accountability
- Openness
- Honesty
- Leadership
- Act within the Trust Deed and the law — being aware of the contents of the Trust Deed and the law as it applies to Manx Lottery Trust (MLT)
- Act in the best interest of the Manx Lottery Trust as a whole - considering what is best for the Trust and its stakeholders and avoid bringing MLT into disrepute
- Manage Conflicts of Interest effectively - registering, declaring, and resolving conflicts of interest. Not gaining materially or financially.
- Respect confidentiality - understanding what confidentiality means in practice for
MLT, its Board, and Officers
- Have a sound and up -to- date knowledge of MLT and its environment - understanding how MLT works and the environment within which it operates
- Attend meetings and other appointments or give apologies - providing input on applications to be considered, by email, if unable to attend a Trustee meeting
- Prepare fully for meetings and all work for MLT - reading papers, querying anything you don't understand and thinking through issues in good time before meetings
- Actively engage in discussion, debate, and voting in meetings - contributing positively, listening carefully, challenging sensitively, and avoiding conflict
- Act jointly and accept a majority decision - making decisions collectively, standing by them, and not act individually unless specifically authorised to do so
- Work considerately and respectfully with all - respecting diversity, different roles, and boundaries, and avoiding giving offence.
General responsibilities of Trustees:
1. Ensure your charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit. It's about knowing:
- What your charity can and can't do within its purposes
- How your charity is fulfilling its purposes and benefiting the public
- What difference your charity is really making
2. Comply with your charity's governing document and the law. It's about being:
- Familiar with your governing document
- Up to date with filing accounts, returns, and any changes to your charity's registration details
- Aware of other laws that apply to your charity
It's not about being:
- An expert- but you do need to take reasonable steps to find out
3. Act in your charity's best interests. It's about:
- Making balanced, informed decisions
- Recognising and dealing with conflicts of interest
- Being prepared to question and challenge
- Accepting majority decisions
It's not about:
- Preserving the charity for its own sake
- Serving personal interests
4. Manage your charity's resources responsibly. It's about:
- Managing risks, protecting assets, reputation, and people
- Getting the resources your charity needs
- Having and following appropriate controls and procedures
- Responsibility for, and to, staff
5. Act with reasonable care and skill. It's about:
- Using your skills and experience
- Deciding when you need advice
- Preparing for meetings
- Getting the information needed (financial, management)
- Being prepared in case something does go wrong
6. Ensure your charity is accountable. It's about:
- Meeting legal accounting and reporting requirements
- Being able to show that your charity complies with the law and is effective
- Being accountable to members and others with an interest in the charity
- Ensuring that staff are accountable to the board
- Welcoming accountability as an opportunity not a burden