St John Ambulance Isle of Man has been awarded a grant of £50,000 towards essential equipment for its new intake of Community First Aid Responders (CFRs).

CFRs play a vital role in the community by offering critical first aid services and providing an extra pair of hands to ambulance crews during serious medical incidents.  CFRs are trained to provide CPR and defibrillation in cases of cardiac arrest, administer oxygen and gather crucial information that can assist paramedics upon their arrival.

St John Ambulance’s ‘Public Assistance Lift’ service - which assists individuals who have slipped or fallen over and require specialised equipment to get back on their feet - operates on a limited scale in the UK and discussions are underway with the Isle of Man Ambulance Service for Community First Responders on the Isle of Man to work with them to introduce this here.

St John Ambulance has emphasised the need to increase the overall number of CFRs to meet the growing demands on the ambulance service. The grant from Manx Lottery Trust will provide essential kits for eight new CFRs.

The Chief Commissioner at St John Ambulance Isle of Man, Martin Benson, MStJ, BEM said: ‘The CFR training course is rigorous, both for students and the dedicated volunteer trainers who invest countless hours preparing for its delivery. Students are also required to attend as unpaid observers on at least three 12-hour frontline ambulance shifts to prepare them for the psychological demands of the role and familiarise themselves with local ambulance crews. So, it can be disheartening for a newly qualified CFR to have to wait for an existing CFR to leave before assuming their kit and callsign.

‘This grant is a game changer and has enabled us to equip a whole new intake of CFRs with the necessary tools to serve our community during critical moments of need. CFRs are often the first responders on the scene, and their timely assistance can make a significant difference in saving lives and providing essential support. We are therefore incredibly grateful to Manx Lottery Trust for this generous grant.’

Stephen Turner, Chairman of Manx Lottery Trust, added: ‘St John Ambulance Isle of Man provides a lifeline for our residents, and we are proud to contribute to their mission. This grant will ensure that the new intake of CFRs is well-equipped to continue their invaluable service to the community.’

For further information on St John Ambulance, visit their website at: www.sja.org.im 

This grant is from Manx Lottery Trust’s Dormant Assets Fund. Manx Lottery Trust has been delegated to distribute National Lottery money from The National Lottery Community Fund. To find out more, visit: www.mlt.org.im


St John Ambulance Volunteers with New Equiptment.